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Mission Statement

Here at Bedford Cat Café we believe that cats are quite simply amazing and we love them. Not only are they wonderful cuddly balls of fluff but also according to research are good for the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of humans too. From cat purrs and strokes lowering blood pressure and slowing heart rates, to cat ownership improving mental health and emotional wellbeing; there is lots of research that tells us how beneficial it is for humans to spend time around cats. It is the mission of Bedford Cat Café to create a happy and safe space for our resident café cats to live in, and invite customers into this space to share our love of cats and enjoy the physical and emotional benefits of being in the company of cats. Bedford Cat Café also aims to promote the benefits of cat ownership and cat adoption and highlight ‘overlooked cats’ (older cats or cats with disabilities). All of this will be achieved whilst maintaining the highest standards of cat care and animal welfare.Bedford Cat Café welcomes you to come and meet our resident café cats and let them show you how to relax, distress and be happy. So come on in, there’s a whole lot of cats in here.

Welfare Statement

The welfare of Bedford Cat Café resident cats is our highest priority and we hold an Animal Welfare Licence to ensure the highest standards are maintained. We welcome the public into Bedford Cat Café to share our cat’s home and spend time with them, it is vital that these interactions do not affect the welfare and wellbeing of the resident café cats. We therefore ask the public to understand that we have to have rules in place to ensure the cats welfare and that our trained staff will be on hand to ensure that the rules are followed and that the highest standards of cat welfare are maintained at all times. The house rules of Bedford Cat Café will be displayed before entering the café space, they will also be explained by staff to everyone entering the café to ensure customers understand how to engage with the resident café cats during their time in Bedford Cat Café (see House Rules).  All cats in Bedford Cat Café will be neutered, vaccinated and treated for parasites. Bedford Cat Café does not keep cats under the age of 12 months.  

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